AzW Photo Award 2014 - "Think Global, Build Social"

John Hill | 6. 十一月 2014
1st Prize: daniel R mueller, LikLik House, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea, August 2014

Competition entrants were given the theme "Think Global, Build Social," which "inspired [them] to submit a wide range of very different views of architecture’s social agenda," according to a press release from the AzW. Photo locales range from Papua New Guinea for the winner to the South Sudan for one of the special mentions, with the European continent predominating. Veering from the norm in architectural photography, the winners and special mentions find beauty in subjects or perspectives the genre doesn't normally pay attention to, asking viewers to really think about what they're looking at in the process.

2nd prize: Kati Bruder, "The rest of us", Athens, Greece, March 2014
3rd prize: Bernd Sieber, Insect Hotel, Herrandgasse 24, Graz, Austria, September 2014
Special mention: Paul Bauer, "Ater / Rozzol Melara," "Il Quadrilatero" housing complex , district "Rozzol Melara," Trieste, Italy, September 2013
Special mention: Pauli Beutel, "Erbmasse 3," Germany, April 2014
Special mention: Martin Grabner, "Nørrebro", Nørrebro, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2014
Special mention: Wiebke Susanne Homann, "Blickwinkel," Bielefeld University, Germany, June 2014
Special mention: David Kraler, "40.000," Mondikolok, Kajo-Keji County, South Sudan, March-July 2014
Special mention: Georg Oberweger, "Bau_Land," Neusiedlersee, Austria, summer 2014
