Beginning with the establishment of the Goodman Offices Project in Spain, we found an open space, where the nucleus of the toilets, the structure and the glass façade were the only aspects to take into account.

The owner presented us their way of doing business as the main request: it is about an office in which there aren´t fixed places, but various ways of having a meeting and working together, a lot of flexibility and different situations.

Our answer to these requirements is to produce a unique language that goes through the space creating the different uses and circulations required. For that purpose, we use a linear separator made by strings as a generator of the project.
We also want in turn that this ‘generating element’ establishes an attractive and corporate identity, not only for the clients that visit the office but also for its ordinary usage.
This element is defined by two wood profiles joined by elastic strings like if it is a lattice. It follows the space creating the needs (reception, meeting rooms and reprography room), and it also turns into furniture (lockers, storage and the kitchen), allowing more or less vision depending on client needs.
In terms of materials, the flooring follows the lattice direction because two different colours are used to complete the slots and circulations design. These colours increase the mentioned corporate image.


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Other Projects by Zooco 

De Vinos y Viandas
Valladolid, Spain
Big and Tiny
Los Ángeles, USA
M4 House
Torrelodones, Spain
Madrid, Spain
La Hermosa de Alba
Santander, Spain