Neue Galerie Kassel – Restoration and Repairs
Kassel, Germany
The aim of the design is to bring out the special spatial qualities and characteristics of the existing building while developing out of the interior a modern sequence of spaces for the envisioned exhibition themes. This new spatial arrangement is supported by the reorganisation of the inner circulation through the building. The access to the new gallery is barrier-free thanks to a new combined ramp and stairway leading into the building from the north-east as before, from the “Schöne Aussicht” vantage point. Reconceived as a multi-storey foyer, the entrance hall now unites all three floors directly and tangibly via two diagonally interconnected air spaces. Visitors reach the various areas via two sweeping staircases and a handicapped-accessible lift. The centre of the building is still formed by the Joseph Beuys and Ulrike Grossarth rooms, surrounded by side-lit galleries and the promenade that completes the circuit through the museum. On the upper level, the sequence of skylit rooms is to be extended and the lighting quality enhanced through the installation of a modern daylight ceiling.