RIBA Calls for More Space and Light

John Hill | 2. September 2013
Graphic from withoutspaceandlight.com

With new houses in the UK reportedly half as large as their counterparts from the 1920s, the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) is consulting with the Department for Communities and Local Government to outline minimum space standards for local authorities to implement. (RIBA is also asking for natural light standards, but much of the attention is being given to the space standards.) New houses average 925 square feet, the smallest in Western Europe. In response, RIBA has set up HomeWise Without Space + Light, a campaign that explains their findings and encourages people to support "an end to rabbit hutch Britain."

The average new home size is equivalent to one subway car. To give Londoners and others in the UK a way to understand the small home sizes, HomeWise even made a video stressing this relationship:

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