Reinventing Paris

John Hill | 5. November 2014

Billed as "a first of its kind in the world," the open international contest "Reinventing Paris" places innovation as a top criteria "to select and implement the new forms of buildings that will shape the future of Paris," per a statement. Further, "convinced that challenges faced by the world can be addressed through local answers," the mayor wants to improve the ways of "making the city" by giving architects "carte blanche to reinvent the ways of living, working and trading in Paris." The audacious plan aims to make architecture of the 21st century possible within the context of historic Paris.

Image: Screenshot from

The 23 sites were announced at the time of the 3 November press conference. The sites, shown above, range from old public baths in the 15th arrondisement to a historic mansion near Notre Dame Cathedral, though most can be found close to the city's Périphérique – one site even bridges the ring road at Porte des Ternes.

Expressions of interest are due 31 January 2015, with a selection panel convening in summer 2015 and winners notified the end of 2015. Winners will then have the option of purchasing or leasing the sites to realize their plans.

Deputy Mayor Jean-Louis Missika speaks about "Reinventing Paris":

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