Adaptive use of a self-supporting proprietary roof system eliminates the need for high maintenance structural trusses in the process hall interior.

A passive ventilation system incorporates low 'horizontal' window strips for air intake with helical metal air extractors on the roof driven by natural drafts. This arrangement, along with the shade provided by standing metal roof seams, permits a comfortable work space even during the hot humid summer season.

Separation of 'skin' and 'structure' not only facilitates ventilation of this seemingly windowless building, but also provides a sheltered corridor for running services piping that can be accessed easily even during heavy monsoon rains.

Mango Processing Unit

Mirjole Industrial Estate MIDC, Kolhapur Road, 415639 Ratnagiri, 印度
Exotic Fruits Ltd.
Kiran Chandra, Ceejo Cyriac, Rajesh Renganathan
Manjunath & Co
NV Rao, MD Deshmukh
Anand Patil

以下出品方的其他项目 Flying Elephant Studio 

800 Jubilee
Hyderabad, 印度
Pavilion House
Bangalore, 印度
GMR - Schulich School of Business
Hyderabad, 印度
APF School and District Institute
Yadgir, 印度
2DC817 Studio House
Bangalore, 印度