From Building Designer to Pastry Designer
Cake "Chocolate Block" (Photo: Dinara Kasko)
An article in the New York Times this week brings to light an unexpected, yet unsurprising, fact: "Many of the country’s top pastry chefs have practiced or studied architecture."
"A New School of Pastry Chefs Got Its Start in Architecture" mentions Jennifer Yee of Resurgens Hospitality Group in Atlanta, Ron Paprocki of Gotham Bar and Grill in New York, Rachel Gibeley of Rosebud American Kitchen & Bar in Boston, and Baruch Ellsworth of Canlis in Seattle, among others.
But standing out above them all is "internet sensation" Dinara Kasko, a Ukrainian architect-turned-pastry chef known for "her sculptural, highly geometric desserts: a cherry cake made to look like shiny red bubbles encased in a cube, and a berry-almond tart with a mazelike surface, constructed with a mold made by a 3D printer."
Geometrical Kinetic Tarts (Photo: Dinara Kasko)
Although the article states that the link between architecture and pastry dates back at least to 1815 (who knew?), when French chef Marie-Antoine Carême wrote "a treatise that codified how architectural principles like drawing and planning could be applied in pastry," the creations of Kasko and others are reliant to a great degree on computer technology. Kasko's Geometrical Kinetic Tarts (above) are made with a mold created by a 3D printer, while her Algorithmic Modeling Cakes (below) are made similarly with Grasshopper and a 3D printer. Carême would be impressed.