Medical services
Mobile structure

Oworonshoki Mobile Clinic

Oworonshoki Community, Lagos, Nigeria
Oworonshoki Community
Aro Ismaila, Yewande Morris, Tijani Akhanene, Fabienne Hoelzel
Partner Organization
Heinrich Böll Stiftung Abuja
Partner Organization
Wellness Resource Consult
Project Initiator
Oworonshoki Community

The establishment of the Oworonshoki Mobile Clinic was facilitated by Fabulous Urban | Nigeria Foundation, supported by the Heinrich Böll Foundation Abuja and after various consultations with the Health Service Provider Wellness Resource Consult and the beneficiaries, the Oworonshoki Community – who is at the same time the project initiator.

The Oworonshoki Mobile Clinic is another fruit of the 2022 Fair Shared City Approach to urban community development. The Mobile Clinic provides basic medical services such as malaria and HIV tests, among other.

In the future, the project team aims at extending the project into a more permanent structure and to other medical services such as gynecology and orthopedics, depending on the ability to organize the necessary funds.

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