Michael Ziller
Architect BDA DWB urban planner | Owner
Show Biography
Since 2015 Member of DWB (Deutscher Werkbund = German Association of Craftsmen)
2007 Entry in the urban planner list of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects
Since 2004 Member of advisory board of the Haus der Architektur in Munich (BYAK)
2006, 2008 Architecture Week in Munich A3 and A4, conception, project management, BDA Bavaria
2005-08 Chairman of BDA, district association for Munich and Upper Bavaria
Since 2001 Member of BDA (Bund Deutscher Architekten = Association of German Architects)
2001 Proposal for architecture award, City of Munich
1993 Member of Bavarian Chamber of Architects
Since 1999 zillerplus architects and urban planners in Munich
1993-95 Postgraduate studies in architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, Prof. Erich Schneider-Wessling, Prof. Otto Steidle
1986-90 Study of architecture at the Munich University of Applied Sciences
1984-86 Apprenticeship as journeyman in carpentry