The masterplan for the Evangelical Church Board of Württemberg comprises an ensemble of three new structures, which will replace the existing buildings on site to generate new service (administration) buildings that form a strong dialogue with the adjacent parklike landscape. The building concept is conceived as a connective plinth embedded into the sloping topography with three singular buildings on top. The form of these building figures aligns with tight, legally binding boundaries and deliberately introduces various kinks and angles lending the buildings a three-dimensional quality and expressing differentiated public spaces around.
A new public footpath crossing the park halfway through the large triangular site is a symbolic gesture to open the site to the adjacent community.
The new main entrance is purposely situated opposite the park of the Villa Bosch and invites visitors via a small public forecourt into the common pedestal storey that is organised by a series of differentiated courtyards to provide daylight, orientation and outside space. A chapel with oratory visibly positioned within the entrance area underlines the ecclesiastical purpose of the building. The language of the new buildings is defined by the interaction of a concrete plinth with an elaborated brick facade above, giving the ensemble a homogenous, durable and consistent appearance. The brick detailing of the upper floors contains horizontal reliefs of decreasing depths to break down the scale of the overall massing and underline the meaning of the new public and ecclesiastical building within the city.