Francesca Ancarani
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Architect (Faenza, 1985) graduated in 2009 at the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara with a master thesis entitled: " PISA2". Since 2004 she collaborates with several architectural firms.
After receiving her qualification in 2011 working as a freelance, developing partnerships with local artists and craftsmen in the field of design and art.
From 2014 she collaborates with Nuovostudio.

Gianluca Bonini
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Gianluca Bonini (Ravenna, 1967) is graduated in engineers in Bologna, is Philosophy Doctor in Architecture.
From 1994 to 1999 was assistant lecturer first in Bologna, then at the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara.
In 1997 he began cooperating with the firm (Teprin Aymonino, Baldisserri, Sarti) placed in Ravenna and Rome, becoming associate in 1998. In 1999 he established with Emilio Rambelli NUOVOSTUDIO.
In 2001 he got the postgraduate diploma by “Scuola Superiore di Studi sulla Città e il Territorio dell’Università di Bologna”.
Since 2000 he has been contract professor, appointed with several roles, at the Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering in Bologna.

Angelo Ciccolo
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Architect (Reggio Calabria, 1986) graduated at the Department of Architecture in Reggio Calabria with a master thesis in architectural and urban composition entitled: " On the issue of the “Parco dei Greci di Calabria:" Design of a Cultural Center in the Borough of Bova (RC). "
From 2012 to 2014 he collaborated with Italian, Portuguese and Austrian architectural firms.
In parallel to the architectural projects he develops researches related to architectural and landscapes photography.
He currently works with Nuovostudio.

Andrea Guardigli
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(Ravenna, 1989) Graduated in Architecture and Culture of the Project in 2016 at the Universitary Institute of Architecture in Venice with the thesis: "Unfolding Santiago: metropolitan scenarios on the Rio Mapocho".
He achieved professional qualification as an architect in 2017 an developed collaborations in Italy in the field of public landscape. He’s participating in the Master Degree in Landscape and Garden Architecture at IUAV (2017-18).
Since 2017 he works with Nuovostudio.

Giovanni Mecozzi
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Architect (Ravenna, 1981) graduated at the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara in collaboration with the University of Granada with the thesis: “The Lost Cultural Landscapes: the walls and gardens of Alberzana Nazari in Granada.”
From 2003 to 2005 he attended the schools of architecture of La Coruña and Granada. In 2006 he began the practice in Ravenna, also collaborating with NUOVOSTUDIO.
In 2008 and in 2009 he moved back to Spain, the first within the European program “Leonardo da Vinci” and then as a freelancer, working with various firms in Madrid, like MENDARO Arquitectos, Estudio SIC and Alfredo Borghi Arquitecto (Tipì Studio).
Since 2009 he has worked regularly with NUOVOSTUDIO, joining the two founders Gianluca Bonini and Emilio Rambelli, with a focus on retail design.

Carmen Minafra
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She graduated in 2014 at the Department of Architecture of Ferrara with a master thesis entitled: "Direzione sostenibilità: redevelopment and enhancement of the system of public spaces and the Arno River in Florence's Rovezzano quarter through methods of analysis and assessment of the levels of sustainability-based protocol GBC Quartieri".
Since 2011 she collaborates with the academic activities of the Laboratory of Architecture Building at the Department of Architecture of Ferrara.
Since 2015 she works with Nuovostudio.

Grazia Poli
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She completed her University education in Milan where, in 1992, she graduated in Interior Design at Istituto Europeo di Design and, in 1998, she graduated with honors in Architecture at the Politecnico and then specialized in Exhibit Design at the Domus Academy.
In 2001 she obtained a Master in Organization of the Historical City, of the Territory and their Representation Models at the Faculty of Conservation of Cultural Heritage of the University of Bologna.
After having collaborated with some architects in Milan carrying out design and publishing activities, since 1999 she has been working as a freelancer in the field of restoration and interior design, working alongside in researching on the relationship between art, architecture and design.
She is an expert and collector of mid-20th Century artifacts.
Since 2008 she has been teaching Art History at the Industrial Design Summer School of the University of Bologna.
Since 2003 she has been collaborating with Nuovostudio.

Emilio Rambelli
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Emilio Rambelli (Ravenna, 1964) is graduated in architecture in Venice in 1989.
In 1990 he began his professional activity in Ravenna, cooperating with several firms; from 1992 to 1999 he was partner of the firm Teprin. From 1995 to 1999 he was member of the Ravenna Municipality building commission as expert of architecture and art.
In 1999 he established with Gianluca Bonini NUOVOSTUDIO. From 2005 to 2007 he was assistant lecturer at the Faculty of Engineer in Bologna.