Expopartner GmbH

Flörsheim am Main, Germany

Building solutions that give life form! – Construction projects today are characterized by a high tempo of planning and implementation. A great deal of complexity and sustainability is demanded.

Communication – Everything starts with a dialogue. In cooperation with our clients, we develop their idea to a shared vision. We act as a consultant, developer and designer. With a balance between man, an awareness of nature and technical capabilities, we develop unique habitats. We combine function, accuracy and aesthetics to form a sensual experience.

Economy –  The close ties with specialist consultants and our interdisciplinary approach allows that, in very early planning stages, the cost of a construction project can be reliably queried.

Task Identity – We package the entire contents of the building construction planning and the sectoral planning in to a central project management. Design and construction, resulting from an analytical project development process, are detected in the solution principles.

Quality – The success of a project depends not only on the fulfillment of the creative and functional goals, but also on the cost objectives and on meeting the deadline. Our quality is created by the planning of implementable measures. A consistent quality assurance guarantees the successful completion of the project.

Experience – In all phases of the project our wide experience supports us to be successful. This is noticeable in the detailed design, the precise schedule control and the cost optimization.

Sustainability – Due to our proactive approach and close interaction with all project participants, investment costs and income over the entire life cycle of the building can be objectively presented early on. This results in sustainable construction and long-term success through transparency and communication. But most importantly...

100% passion – for building solutions that give life a new form!

Competences: Architecture | Interior Design | Urban Planning

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  • Architects
Wiesbaden, Germany