The area above the ground floor simultaneously represents foyer, access and resting area. Partly shaded by a membrane on the 12th floor the outside virtually is flowing through the building. Its two ends are emphasized through the “moon lake”, a floating disc of water and the “abstract mountain”, a layered calotte of broken slate tiles. Both elements are playing with the contrast “liquid office” and “abstract nature”. Freely formed GRP-bowls provide water-cooling, seating and pots for plants; they appear to be floating through the hybrid inner and outer space.

Infineon Asian Pacific Headquarters

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349282 Singapur, Singapore

Other Projects by GTL - Michael Triebswetter Landschaftsarchitekt 

World of Sports
Herzogenaurach, Germany
Entwicklungsgebiet Dornberg
Mühltal, Germany
Debitel- City
Stuttgart, Germany
Universität Rostock Campus Südstadt
Rostock, Germany
Hafen Stadtquartier Graf Bismarck
Gelsenkirchen, Germany