Marcel Blom
Owner Amsterdam
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Marcel Blom (1961, Haarlem) graduated as engineer from the Faculty of Architecture at Delft University of Technology in 1988. He worked at architectuurcentrale Thijs Asselbergs from 1985 till 1990. In 1990 Marcel started working for Benthem Crouwel Architects, where he became Partner and member of the board of directors in 2000.
As a designer Marcel has been responsible for projects on Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, such as Terminal 3 and the G- and B-piers. He was project architect for Schiphol Plaza; the arrival hall with a large shopping mall and train station and was involved with various design master plans for airport bound development at Schiphol East and Schiphol Elzenhof. Since 1996 Marcel has been involved in a broad scale of projects and is responsible for office buildings, care institutions and housing, commercial buildings and bridges, such as the Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), the housing and care complex Crescendo, office building Alnovum, the Muiderbridge across the Amsterdam-Rhine canal and the mall Forum Mittelrhein in Koblenz.
Marcel is involved in large infrastructure projects in the Netherlands and France, among others the railway area in Delft and Rotterdam Central Station. He has given public lectures in The Netherlands and abroad, including Loborough (UK), Stockholm (Sweden), Delft and Rotterdam (Netherlands).

Markus Sporer
Owner Aachen
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Markus Sporer (1967, Aalen) has studied at the Faculties of Architecture at both University of Washington, U.S.A. and RWTH Aken, Germany, from which he graduated. He has been working as an architect since 1997, first at Prof. Jörg Friedrich and Bothe Richter Te- herani Architekten, both located in Hamburg. Since 2000 he started working for Benthem Crouwel Architects. Markus is a member of the Architektenkammer Nordrhein Westfalen, the Association of German Architects (BDA) and the Urban Land Institute (ULI). Next to his membership in the Executive Board of the BDA Aachen he regularly joins competitions as a member of the Jury and lectures at universities and conventions.
In 2005 Markus became the branch manager for Benthem Crouwel GmbH, the German office of Benthem Crouwel Architects which was set up that year. He successfully managed the growth of Benthem Crouwel in Germany over the years and has been project architect for projects ranging from urban designs to office, university, cultural and commercial buildings.
Markus has been responsible for projects such as the extension of the Bergbau Museum in Bochum, a lecture hall for the University of Osnabrück, the office building Etrium (Köln) and an urban design for the Zentralplatz in Koblenz, with the shopping mall Forum Mittelrhein and the Kulturbau Forum Confluentes. Many projects have received several awards, both for architecture and sustainability. Among others the Anerkennung zum Architekturpreis NRW, Auszeichnung Guter Bauten, the DGNB gold certification and the BREEAM Excellent Award.

Cornelius Wens
Owner Aachen
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1972* Düsseldorf
1999 RWTH Aachen und TU Wien
1999-01 Architekt bei Busmann + Haberer, Köln
2001-07 Architekt/Projektleiter bei Prof. Peter Kulka, Köln + Dresden
2007-16 Architekt/Projektleiter bei Benthem Crouwel GmbH, Aachen
Seit 2016 Founding Partner von CROSS Architecture
Mitglied der Architektenkammer Nordrhein- Westfalen
Cornelius Wens arbeitete mehr als 16 Jahre als Architekt in verschiedenen renommierten Architekturbüros in Deutschland, bevor er Anfang 2016 gemeinsam mit Markus Sporer CROSS Architecture gründete. Er betreute als Projektleiter den Umbau und die Sanierung des denkmalgeschützten „Lorenzistock“ im Alten Hof in München, zudem u.a. den Bau des „Bayerischen Bahnhofs“ in Leipzig, des Shopping-Centers „Centrum Galerie“ in Dresden, des Passivhaus-Bürogebäudes „Etrium“ in Köln, des Shopping-Centers „Forum Mittelrhein“ in Koblenz und des neuen Hörsaalgebäudes der Fachhochschule Osnabrück, das mit dem BDA Preis Niedersachsen 2015 ausgezeichnet wurde.