Wenders on Zumthor

John Hill | 11. September 2020
Peter Zumthor portrait by KovacsDaniel/Wikimedia Commons; Wim Wenders portrait by Martin Kraft/Wikimedia Commons

Wenders explained in an interview that the film he is working on will be a long-term observation of the work of Swiss architect Peter Zumthor. It stems from the filmmaker following two of Zumthor's current projects: the controversial LACMA expansion and his relatively painless expansion for the Fondation Beyeler in Riehen/Basel.

No other details on the documentary have been revealed, outside of Wenders' intention to give the film a theatrical release, even though many cinemas are closed and those that are open are allowing only a small fraction of their seats to be filled. But without any indication of a release date for the film, cinemas could very well be back to normal by the time the 75-year-old filmmaker wraps up his take on the 77-year-old architect.

Disappointed by the delay? Watch a couple worthwhile documentaries made by the Louisiana Channel, one on Wenders and one on Zumthor:

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