Aga Khan Award Winners Announced

John Hill | 9. September 2013
Islamic Cemetery. Photo: AKAA / Adolf Bereuter 

Five winners have been selected from the twenty projects shortlisted for the 12th cycle of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, a triennial $1 million prize that aims to "identify and encourage building concepts that successfully address the needs and aspirations of communities in which Muslims have a significant presence." Two of the winners are new buildings; two are rehabilitations; and one is a piece of urban infrastructure.

Rehabilitation of Tabriz Bazaar. Photo: AKAA / Amir Anoushfar 
The five winners listed alphabetically by country (click links to visit project pages on Aga Khan Development Network):
Rabat-Salé Urban Infrastructure Project. Photo: AKAA / Marc Mimram
The Master Jury:

  • Mr. David Adjaye, Principal, Adjaye Associates, London, United Kingdom
  • Dr. Howayda al-Harithy, Professor, Department of Architecture and Design, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
  • Mr. Michel Desvigne, Landscape Architect and Founder, Agence Michel Desvigne, Paris, France
  • Professor Mahmood Mamdani, Professor and Executive Director, Makerere Institute for Social Research (MISR), Wandegeya, Uganda
  • Mr. Kamil Merican, Principal Designer and CEO, Group Design Partnership, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Professor Toshiko Mori, Principal, Toshiko Mori Architect, New York City, USA
  • Ms. Shahzia Sikander, Artist, New York City, USA
  • Mr. Murat Tabanlioglu, Architect and Founder, Tabanlioglu Architects, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Mr. Wang Shu, Architect and Founder, Amateur Architecture Studio, Hangzhou, China

Revitalisation of Birzeit Historic Centre. Photo: AKAA / RIWAQ
Salam Cardiac Surgery Centre. Photo: AKAA / Raul Pantaleo

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