Little BIG Maze

John Hill | 12. August 2014
Photo: National Building Museum

The full-scale maze designed by BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group in the museum's atrium is 60-feet-square, with the outer walls at 18-feet-high, but the 3d-printed miniature is only 4" x 4" x 1.25", or almost 1:200 scale. What's called the National Building Museum BIG Maze Mini-Replica is but one object for purchase with the BIG Maze – there's T-shirts, a pen, a mug, and baseball cap. (All proceeds going to support the non-profit NBM, but unfortunately they cannot be shipped outside the United States.) While these items pick up on the popularity of the maze (the site of a wedding proposal, no less), they also build up to BIG's large-scale amBIGuity exhibition planned for the NBM for January 2015.

Photo: Screenshot from NBM Museum Shop

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