
hochform. Architekten

Interspar Hypermarkt

Amstetten, Austria, 2019

The existing Interspar market, built in 1992, undergoes extensive general refurbishment and expansion, creating a completely new look and...

hochform. Architekten

Donaumarina Tower

Wien, Austria, 2019

Donaumarina Tower lies at a neuralgic point of Vienna’s urban expansion at the Danube, where new residential areas and business districts...

Schneider Gmür Architekten

Haus für Demenz der Thurvita AG

Rossrüti, Switzerland, 2018

Schneider Gmür Architekten

Neubau Wohnüberbauung Stationsstrasse

Embrach, Switzerland, 2021

Schneider Gmür Architekten

Instandsetzung und Umnutzung Suchtfachklinik…

Zürich, Switzerland, 2019

Husistein & Partner AG

Wohnüberbauung Hofacker mit 21 Wohnungen

Eiken, Switzerland, 2020


Town Hall Mauren

Mauren, Liechtenstein, 2020

Lighting design for the renovation of a Town Hall The lighting concept for Saal Mauren (Mauren Town Hall) was designed to create a con...

Paradigm Design House

H Residence

Amman, Jordan, 2021

H. Residence is a negotiation between contrasts, the minimalistic and monumental. This tension between components reflects on the distrib...

Hayashi-Grossschmidt Arhitektuur

Floating Sauna in Türi

Türi, Estonia, 2013

Estonian tradition of saun was transformed into a floating pavilion. The assignment was to built a sauna on top of two pontoons which we...

Hayashi-Grossschmidt Arhitektuur

The renovation of Machinery Hall of the A. M.…

Tallinn, Estonia, 2017

The original machinery hall is a part of A.M. Luther’s Furniture Factory which existed between 1877–1940, which was know for bent-plywood...

monovolume architecture + design

House EB

Südtirol, Italy, 2020

On the hills on the south-west side of the province of Bolzano, along the renowned wine route, amidst vineyards and small forests, one ca...

EiSat GmbH


Erfurt, Germany, 2021

Im Erfurter Gartendenkmal „egapark“ wird ein neues Pflanzenschauhaus errichtet, in dem gegensätzliche Klimazonen und verschiedene Raumerl...


LAK Mauren

Mauren, Liechtenstein, 2018

Lighting Design for a new nursery home The lighting design concept helps residents as well as nursing staff to achieve an ideal light ...

Ross Barney Architects


Rogers, USA, 2021

With a grant from the Walton Family Foundation, the City of Rogers, Arkansas has embarked on a project to design a new downtown park that...


Alterszentrum im Geeren Seuzach Restaurant

Zurich, Switzerland, 2020

Inviting scenery for this public restaurant in a retirement home The public restaurant is the first part of this project that has been...


Friedhof Triesen

Triesen, Liechtenstein, 2018

Atmospheric lighting for this peaceful place Descreet wall luminaires and bollards illuminate the pathways, light windows similar to c...

hochform. Architekten

Palais Börseplatz

Wien, Austria, 2020-2022

The former imperial telegraph office from 1873, then central post- and telecommunication head office is a heritage listed building in Vie...

Lengacher Emmenegger Partner

Restaurant Rössli-hü

Root, Switzerland, 2019

Seit 1994 steht das denkmalgeschützte Restaurant «Rössli» auf dem Rooter Dorfplatz leer. Das altehrwürdige Haus soll im Rahmen des Projek...

jomini · zimmermann

Haus in Belmont

Belmont-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland, 2014

Das bestehende Haus aus den sechziger Jahren wurde um ein Geschoss erhöht, wärmegedämmt und mit einer neuen textilen Gebäudehülle eingekl...

jomini · zimmermann

Umbau Jugendstilhaus in Biel

Biel/Bienne, Switzerland, 2020

Der Umbau dieses Jugendstilhaus von 1910 wurde im engen Zusammenarbeit mit der Denkmalpflege des Kantons Bern ausgeführt. Alle Elemente w...


Umbau Spittelerhaus

Liestal, Switzerland, 2020

6 Mietwohnungen + Büros

Lengacher Emmenegger Partner

Wohnen im Alter

Fahrwangen, Switzerland, 2019

Ähnlich wie beim benachbarten Bauerngehöft integriert sich der Neubau als einfach verputztes Volumen. Gruppiert mit einer möglichen 2. Et...

4a Architekten

Vitalbad Kusel

Kusel, Germany, 2020

Redevelopment and enhancement of the aquatic centre with indoor and outdoor pools. The municipality of Kusel nestles scenically in the...

Lengacher Emmenegger Partner

Wohnüberbauung Rössli

Root, Switzerland, 2018

An der Neuen Perlenstrasse, ausgehend vom Rössli-Kreisel, entsteht eine neue Wohnüberbauung. Wie im Gestaltungsplan von 2013 festgelegt, ...

Becker Architects Planners BDA

Thermal Bath Oberstdorf

Oberstdorf, Germany, 2019

The design of the thermal bath Oberstdorf and its outdoor spaces refers to the urban context of the surrounding area and subtly responds ...


Alserkal Gallery Dubai

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2017

Lighting Design and Scenography for a new Museum in the Emirates The concept for this new museum building in Dubai contains a combinat...

Becker Architects Planners BDA

Mountain Station Nebelhorn

Oberstdorf, Germany, 2014

Rules for one who builds in the Mountains, Adolf Loos 1913: "Do not build picturesquely. Leave such effects to the walls, the mountain...

Becker Architects Planners BDA

Sports Hall Kempten

Kempten, Germany, 2020

The city of Kempten intends to build a new 3-fold sports hall. This is due to an existing shortage of space, on the one hand at the Hilde...

Becker Architects Planners BDA

Glass Competence Center Glas Trösch

Kempten, Germany, 2008

Building with glass: The delightful play with light Author: Bruno Lukas, Press'n'Relations GmbH, Ulm, Germany Glass can transmit and...

Becker Architects Planners BDA

Water Tower

Donauwörth, Germany, 2020

A new elevated water tank is to be built on the Schellenberg in Donauwörth, in the immediate vicinity of the "Sternschanze" archaeologica...

Becker Architects Planners BDA

Hydroelectric Power Station

Kempten, Germany, 2011

On the left bank of the Iller River, a new, highly efficient hydroelectric power plant was planned by a specialized engineering firm as a...

Eglin Partner Architekten

Wohnhäuser mit Kindergarten Guggenbühl

Dietikon, Switzerland, 2016

Die Wohnhäuser mit Kindergarten Guggenbühl in Dietikon für die Genossenschaft GBL zeichnen sich durch ihre durchgehende kubische Differen...

Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia

Bì – Toy and arts museum

Cormano (MI), Italy, 2010

The big animal with stripes or spots, with many legs and two tails-stairs, from distant worlds, that might even be monstrous or savage, n...


School building Ebenholz

Vaduz, Liechtenstein, 2019

The lighting design of these educational facilities includes the needs of pupils and teachers as well as an energetically optimized usage...

Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia

Functional rehabilitation of Villa Borromeo…

Arcore , Italy, 2018

A Villa and its park have a unique, poetic relationship and dialogue, visual references and perceptions, collective and “intimate” relati...

Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia

Dallara Academy

Varano de' Melegari, Italy, 2018

Each project for us is the encounter between two souls, one of the place and one of Man. Each project can have these two qualities within...

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