
John Hill | 29.10.2024


The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) has announced that, four years after construction commenced, the scaffolding has been removed from the Peter Zumthor-designed David Geffen Galleries, which will become the home of LACMA's permanent collection when it opens in April 2026.

René Ammann | 09.10.2023


Number of elements of the new Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) building designed by Swiss architect and 2009 Pritzker Architecture Prize laureate Peter Zumthor that, he says,

John Hill | 24.09.2020


The hyperrealistic renderings of Peter Zumthor's design for the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) that were recently made public focus on the gallery spaces that sit behind the glass walls of the curving plan.

John Hill | 28.04.2020


The Citizens’ Brigade to Save LACMA has unveiled designs by six finalists in an ideas competition aimed at providing alternatives to, and correcting the perceived deficiencies of, Peter Zumthor's new building for the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

John Hill | 16.04.2020


In the midst of the city's COVID-19 quarantine, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) is moving forward with the demolition of four of its buildings to make way for the new building designed by Peter Zumthor.

John Hill | 07.11.2019


The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) has revealed that the Los Angeles Public Works Committee has approved the air space vacation that will allow the Peter Zumthor-designed building for the museum's permanent collection to span Wilshire Boulevard.

John Hill | 30.04.2019


The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) has released new renderings of Peter Zumthor's design of the new building for the museum's permanent collection; the project gained county approval in early April and aims to open in 2023 — ten years after it was unveiled.

John Hill | 10.04.2019


The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved to certify the final environmental impact report for Peter Zumthor's proposed expansion of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA).



In what's becoming an annual ritual, new renderings of Swiss architect Peter Zumthor's design for the expansion of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) have been released, this time as part of a final environmental impact report.

John Hill | 01.11.2017


Atelier Peter Zumthor and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) have released udpated renderings of the institution's $600 million expansion.

John Hill | 07.04.2017


At a lecture on Wednesday night at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), Swiss architect Peter Zumthor unveiled new images of his evolving design for LACMA's new $600-million building that would span across Wilshire Boulevard.

John Hill | 08.08.2016


The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) has released new renderings of Swiss architect Peter Zumthor's design for their $600 million expansion.

John Hill | 22.02.2016


James F. Goldstein, owner of John Lautner's 1963 Sheats-Goldstein house, famous for being featured in the Coen Brothers' film The Big Lebowski, has agreed to donate the iconic house to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA).

John Hill | 25.03.2015


The latest design by Swiss architect Peter Zumthor for the $600 million expansion of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art sees a simplification of its form and other changes.

John Hill | 25.06.2014


In lieu of cantilevering over the adjacent La Brea tar pits, Peter Zumthor's design for the Los Angeles County Museum of Art proposes to span Wilshire Boulevard.

John Hill | 10.06.2013


Peter Zumthor's preliminary plans for the Los Angeles County Museum of Art are highlighted in a new exhibition.