
Eduard Kögel | 12.10.2022


At the beginning of October, Xu Tiantian and Tei Carpenter were in Berlin at ANCB, The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, for a workshop with their students from Yale University School of...

John Hill | 03.07.2018


Today, the day before Independence Day, the new Museum at Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri, celebrates its grand opening, eight years after the City+Arch+River international design competition.

John Hill | 25.06.2018


A new lobby installation designed by James Carpenter Design Associates enlivens the lobby of a twelve-year-old office tower in Chicago's West Loop. The combination of stainless steel mesh and LED lighting rightfully earns it the name Suspended Light Veils.

James Carpenter Design Associates | 02.04.2018

Bau der Woche

The transformation of a disused elevated railway on Manhattan's West Side into the popular High Line has sparked development in the form of attention-getting architecture by the likes of Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, and Jean Nouvel. But relatively sedate gems also parallel the park, such as 860...

John Hill | 06.04.2015


A large oculus designed by James Carpenter Design Associates, Grimshaw, and Arup reflects sunlight into the subterranean spaces of the Fulton Center subway station in Lower Manhattan.