
John Hill | 15.02.2022


Under construction since 2010 and set to be complete in 2025, six years behind the original schedule, the budget for the huge Stuttgart 21 infrastructure project have more than tripled — to an estimated 9.2 billion euros.

BioMat Group at ITKE | 07.11.2018


The ceremonial opening of the first pavilion of the BioMatresearch group at ITKE took place on Wednesday, August 15th next to the Kollegiengebäude II on the Campus Stadtmitte opposite the Katharinenhospital.

John Hill | 02.10.2018


For its latest robotically built installation, the Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD) at University of Stuttgart asked: What if architecture was to emulate the behavior of large masses of granular substances, such as sand or gravel, and allow for its own continuous...

John Hill | 21.04.2017


The Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD) and the Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) at the University of Stuttgart have completed a new research pavilion that breaks ground through its robotic fabrication of glass and carbon fiber-reinforced...

Staab Architekten | 06.04.2017


While renovating the landmarked Landtag (state parliament) in Baden-Württemberg — the first construction of a parliament building in Europe after the Second World War — the plenary hall is to be naturally lit and opened up to the adjacent foyer.

John Hill | 06.03.2015


Hascher Jehle Architektur and artist Burghard Müller-Dannhausen treated the exterior and interior, respectively, of the new Rems-Murr-Klinikum hospital in Winnenden, Germany, with a range of colors to create a strong building identity.